Winston Churchill's Accomplishments

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Born on the 30th of November 1874, into an upper-class family, the parents of Winston Churchill could never have imagined their son could go on to be Prime Minister of Great Britain and one day be one of the greatest wartime leaders ever. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940 and over the course of nine years he gave empowering speeches and inspired the everyday British man with quotes, such as “we shall not flag or fail” and “we shall never surrender”. The determination and perseverance of Winston Churchill, was how he defeated German dictator Adolf Hitler and won the Second World War. Churchill was responsible for changing British society for better and giving the country freedom from forces they would not have been able to otherwise overcome. Winston Churchill has been described as being an…show more content…
The next day Winston addressed the House of Commons and declared: “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say, ‘This was their finest hour’”. Churchill is addressing the issue that they may be next to be targeted and they have to defend their country with honour and for every many to live up to their duties. From September 7th 1940 to May 10th 1941, the Germans began a heavy air assault over London, known as ‘The Blitz’. Churchill stood by his country and would regularly visit the sites where bombs had been dropped and stood out as a ray of hope for the people affected. The public viewed him as one of them because he did not leave London during the bombings. It was through his support of the people that Churchill changed society. Churchill demonstrated that Britain would never give in and fought back with the Royal Air Force. After numerous speeches and proposals to the House of Commons Churchill eventually became known as ‘the Father of the House of

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