Willy Character Flaw

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There is no doubt that in the play, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Willy, one of the main characters, has a serious character flaw. The flaw is so profound in every aspect of the play that it is easily noticed by any reader. Willy’s flaw, that popularity is the most important thing in life, ruins Biff, Happy, and his own life in that none of them have good jobs or make enough money to be happy. Willy’s obsession with material wealth and popularity prevent him from achieving happiness in his life. In the play, it is clear that Willy has not achieved true happiness in his life and lives in a fantasy in which he believes that if you are popular then you will be successful. “That’s just what I mean,…show more content…
Then in Act One Willy says, “I’m very well liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble is, Linda, people don’t seem to take to me” (Miller 36), this quote shows that popularity is so important to him that he lies to his wife about being so well liked, but then he kind of snaps back to reality, contradicts himself, and says how people don’t like him. This image of himself that he portrays and lies to his family about himself leads him to put this idea into Biff and Happys’ heads that your image is the most important thing to become…show more content…
He strongly believes that popularity will dictate your success even after he threw his life away believing that fact. “Willy has failed because the popularity he once had among buyers has indeed not made him successful” (Cassel), this quote shows that Willy has failed in being happy or successful because he was too focused on popularity and being well liked. Not only did Willy fail himself but he failed his children. Biff and Happy never went anywhere with their lives because Willy failed in his job and he failed as a father to them. Biff would steal things from his job to make him feel better about himself. Happy had a job but it wasn’t a very good one, and he was always philandering with women and never settled down and had a family of his
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