How Is Willy Loman Selfish

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In “Death of a Salesman”, Willy Loman is an insecure, struggling salesman who only believes in the American Dream of success and wealth. Willy died a salesman, but it seemed no one truly cared that he committed suicide considering no one showed up to the funeral (Miller 924). Although, he is never able to infinitely grasp the reality of becoming a successful businessman, he hopes that his two sons can pick up where he left off. In many ways, just like all humans, Willy has flaws in his character, but is also an innocent victim of society. From driving around the states to support a family that was not appreciative, to being independent in his childhood, and pressuring his children to become rich stars in society, Willy is just trying to find his true self in this chaotic world.…show more content…
He tells many people that he was a successful business man and lies to his boss by saying, “that in 1928, he made a hundred and seventy dollars a week in commission” (Miller 894). This turned out not to be true considering that Willy has never averaged (Miller 894). He conceals his true emotions of anxiety and hesitancy by being an extremely arrogant man. He backlashes on anyone who is truly trying to give advice to him and often yells at his wife in spit and anger (Miller 901). His jealously consumes him because he cannot bare to see the unpopular nerd he teased become an accomplished lawyer that will stand forth in front of the Grand Jury. The tides have seemed to turn and it seems Willy is now the unpopular one. With only five people showing up to his funeral, this shows he was never liked and his whole job performance was a lie. Now that Willy has aged, he has trouble paying the bills, is incompetent to drive, and is unable to sell
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