Why Was Benjamin Franklin Important

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Benjamin Franklin played many roles rather than just being the president. He was well known in the eighteenth century, especially in the western world of the eighteenth century. At the time Benjamin Franklin was the center for everyone and there is no doubt he was a pivotal part of many people’s life. Benjamin Franklin lived in the heart’s of many for many reasons in particular for his hard work in gaining independence for the United States. Franklin also had a hand in establishing the U.S. as a nation. He did this by forming the first public library. Franklin was important to many individuals that changed lives by, providing opportunities that included public services more than science. At the time, many individuals had little to no access…show more content…
Franklin’s goals were to reduce the amount of marks he made on these charts. Franklin’s goal was to “acquire the habitude of all these virtues.” (FRANKLIN, Chapter 9) however, as time passed Franklin realized he was making more marks than he planned. He assumed that the order was the virtue that gave him the most trouble. Franklin was not familiar with the order and found it difficult to deal with. Slowly, the marks did start to reduce. Although his effort of accomplishing moral perfection failed, Franklin was pleased with his attempt. He concluded by exclaiming, “ but I think I like a speckled ax best” (FRANKLIN, Chapter 9). Although he never became perfect he was…show more content…
He gave credit continuously to God for his success in life and happiness. (MALONE) Benjamin Franklin was an influential individual in driving force behind his country. His contributions are looked back at and heavily appreciated throughout our country and the rest of the world. While struggling personally, with faith or making the effort to become a better man Franklin put complete hundred percent of his time into his work. The first public library was a great success in bringing knowledge to all. His quest for moral perfection portrayed that one can be intelligent and be seen as a perfect soul however, this is not always the case. The quest for moral perfection did however, show the personal side of Benjamin Franklin that many of us wouldn’t have got to see. Faith will not always be proven from Franklin’s work, but there is no doubt that Benjamin Franklin was a religious
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