Macromolecules Lab Report

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Some reactions naturally occur at a rate that is compatible with life’s natural chronological system. Other naturally occurring reactions however, could take an amount of time that is not compatible with the natural functions of life. For these reactions a catalyst is needed. A catalyst’s job in a reaction is to increase the rate at which the reaction occurs by lowering the activation energy (Book). The activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for any given chemical reaction to be initiated ( The catalyst that performs within the body is a macromolecule, called an enzyme (Book). There are three categories of macromolecules including nucleic acids, carbohydrates and proteins. The macromolecule, the enzyme is classified under the protein category ( Enzymes are reaction specific meaning that they are the determinants of the process that will be carried out within a cell and when…show more content…
The results indicated in the experiments support the fact that enzymes have prime conditions under which they best operate (Book). These results are supportive of the theory of Enzyme Kinetics and former knowledge indicating the same relationship between enzymes and these specific conditions (Book / Lab). Though the results of the experiments supported the hypothesis and prior studies, improvements can be made within the procedure. To better exhibit the accuracy within the experiment, the procedure could be repeated multiple times to ensure that ass many errors as possible are eliminated. The experiment can further be improved by adding diversity in the enzymes under observation. The body is full of different enzymes. It is important to assess the functions of as many as possible. By adding diversity to the enzymes observed we can see how different enzymes behave in similar or dissimilar ways based on the conditions they

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