Albumin Lab Report

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CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SERUM ALBUMIN Among all the proteins present in blood plasma, Albumin is the most abundant extracellular protein. This is also the most extensively studied of all proteins accounting for about 57 - 60% of the total proteins, which corresponds to a concentration of about 42 g/L [1, 2]. It also provides about 80% of the osmotic pressure of the blood [1] and is used as a model protein for most of the biophysical, biochemical and physicochemical studies [2]. These proteins exhibit the interesting properties of binding to a variety of hydrophobic ligands such as fatty acids, lysolecithin, bilirubin, warfarin, tryptophan, steroids, several dyes etc. The drugs (more than 90%) like analgesics, anesthetics, tranquilizers,…show more content…
So, it is important to study the interaction of a bioactive compound with protein. BSA is used as model proteins in diversified fields of biophysical, biochemical and physicochemical studies to obtain the general fundamental insights into the drug-protein binding. The most outstanding property of the albumin is that it serves as a depot protein and a transport protein for numerous endogeneous and exogeneous substances. The interaction between a drug and protein molecule results in the formation of a drug-protein complex. This plays a major role in the distribution, free concentration and the metabolism of a drug in the blood stream. Thus, the drug-protein complex may serve as a model for gaining the fundamental characteristics of drug-protein interactions. The discussion in previous section shows the widening scope of the study of molecular recognition of some drug molecules with BSA and adenine. The main scope of this work is to study the molecular recognition of some selected dye and drug molecules with BSA and adenine. The objectives of the research work are 1. To analyze absorption, fluorescence and FTIR spectral shifts of different drug molecules in the BSA and adenine…show more content…
Sulphonamides were the first effective chemotherapeutic agents employed systematically for the prevention and cure of bacterial infections in humans. After the introduction of penicillin and other antibiotics, the popularity of sulphonamides decreased. However, they are still considered useful in certain therapeutic fields, especially in the case of ophthalmic infections as well as infections in the urinary and gastrointestinal tract. Besides, sulpha drugs are still today among the drugs of first selection (together with ampicillin and gentamycin) as chemotherapeutic agents in bacterial infections by Escherichia coli in humans. The sulphanilamides exert their antibacterial action by the competitive inhibition of the enzyme dihydropterase synthetase towards the substrate

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