Lies Hollywood Told Us: Movie Analysis

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Most people have seen at least one romantic/romantic comedy (rom-com) movie in their lifetime whether they wanted to or not. If you have seen one, you pretty much get the jest of all of them because all of them end in very similar fashions. The concepts and plot lines are pretty simple in that two people meet, feelings start to develop, a conflict of interest comes into play, and in the end they have a happily ever after. These predictable cycles and highly unlikely, if not impossible, situations of romance have caused many to get the idea that finding love is easy. All you have to do is drop a shoe and it will come. The articles “Lies Hollywood Told Us: Love and Romance Edition” by Richard Lawson and Jen Doll argues about the rom-coms cause…show more content…
The authors can be described as people who are knowledgeable of the romance movies and shows yet view them from a different perspective. Their intended audience is the kind of people who read romance novels, fairy tales, or have been roped into the romance entertainment industry and now suffer from a skewed sense of reality. This is known because the authors use recognizable plots from these types of movies only to turn them around and explain how these situations do not happen in real life such as the events in Along Came Polly and Titanic. In Along Came Polly, Ben Stiller’s character, Reuben Feffer, never takes risks. The movie begins with him gets married and on his honeymoon his wife has an affair with her diving instructor. Afterward, he goes home along, crushed and humiliated where he meets and falls for his long lost friend Polly Prince played by Jennifer Aniston. The authors in “Lies Hollywood Told Us: Love and Romance Edition” feel that “you will not find someone ten years after you met them” debunking the whole premise of Along Came Polly (Lawson and Doll 230). In “Titanic” two star-crossed lovers happen to meet and fall in love on a boat, which sank, resulting in the death of the male lead. Lawson and Doll argue…show more content…
The author can be described as someone who enjoys rom-coms and feels that there is not correlation between people who watch rom-coms people’s unrealistic expectations of love and relationships. The author choses to direct her argument towards people who believe there is a correlation between rom-com watching and unrealistic expectations. She also writes this article to encourage and inform people who were unaware of the studies done for. By using mostly data to back up her opinion, Gray comes across as more unbiased than in the Lawson and Doll article. Appealing to logic rather than giving her opinion on the matter makes her argument seem more professional. Gray argues that there is not correlation between people who watch rom-coms and unrealistic expectations of love. The author wrote this article to fight against claims and common misconception about rom-com that she feels needs to be cleared up by using the information that she found in the surveys, studies and

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