What Was The Importance Of The British Constitution

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The U.S. Constitution was the product of British traditions going back to ancient systems and influenced by French and British thinkers. Our founders spent years reading back on former ways of government to narrow it down to what would be best for America. They would read newer theories of government written by 16th and 17th century philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, and John Lock. Along with that they also brought into the process natural rights theorists, British history, and Roman and Greek history. Soon after America won its independence from Great Britain, it became increasingly evident that the young republic needed a stronger government in order to remain stable. With British history it helped prove to the founders that even a monarchy can help equally distribute law vs. rights. Even when it was left to the community to keep the law in balance with the natural rights of the people. Natural rights theorists tells that since birth everyone has natural rights. So…show more content…
He believed that monarchies shouldn’t be chosen to be the layout of our constitution because we are all equal no one person is higher than the man standing next to him. The government should serve the people, the people shouldn’t not have to be enslaved by the government. The government is here to keep us, the people, in order. To ensure that we don’t get too far ahead of our self’s. When our Founding Fathers sought inspiration in forming our government after the American Revolution, it was to the mother country of Great Britain, at the time, the world’s most powerful parliamentary democracy, that they turned. It may at first seem like a contradiction that the very country we had fought a bloody war to get away from was in fact the country that inspired so many of our political traditions. But to turn away from British traditions would, in a sense, be like turning away from our

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