Compassion Are Reflected In The NHS 6c's (HCP)

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The words ‘Care’ and ‘Compassion’ are reflected in the NHS 6C’s (NHS: Clinical leaders network, 2014). The terms have a very broad and common set of characteristics, and form the basis of high quality treatment offered to patients. The National Health Service (NHS) created a constitution in 2011 and has strict pledges that need to be adhered. The constitution also details the role of healthcare professional’s (HCP), patients and the public to ensure high standards of care and treatment is achieved (NHS England, 2014). The term ‘care’ is associated with various meanings; but what is ‘care’ to me as a HCP? ‘It is to provide the necessary elements for health, maintenance, welfare and protection of an individual’ (NHS England, 2014). The way this…show more content…
‘The Employer duty of care to patients relates to the legal obligation and policies that surround medical care and the importance of putting the needs of the patient first by providing adequate health care for the public. The Employer duty of care to Staff relates to providing an essential level of education, training and development to meet the demands of the public and also for staff to adhere to policies, laws and guidelines which protect staff and patients. Staff duty of care to themselves and to each other relates to encouraging staff to acknowledge the need to report concerns of health, well-being, maintenance, support and protection. Resources used should enable duties of healthcare to be completed in a safe and successful manner. This also reflects creating a work environment where staff work together and show unity within the…show more content…
Sensitivity relates to the capacity of being open minded in a respectful and dignified manner, in order to notice when patients and colleagues need help and support; e.g. preserving dignity of patients, whilst carrying out treatment. Sympathy is being emotionally involved. As a HCP it is important to feel sympathy by understanding the patient’s predicament, and having that urge to relieve the distress that is being caused to the patient. HCP’s are humans and have levels of Distress Tolerance for each situation however, it is important to channel emotions and remain focused and dealing with the situation in a positive and constructive manner. Empathy involves emotional (affective) and cognitive (thinking) components. It involves being able to listen and relate to patients feelings and intentions; by providing care that is firstly effective for the patient and secondly effective for the department. Non-judgemental is a trait ensuring high quality of care is delivered, providing advice and information to prevent illness or injury, regardless of our personal opinions of individuals. There is a constant ethical debate on the treatment for certain groups of people such as alcoholics, smokers and drug abusers. As a HCP it is vital to prevent such issues from influencing or altering my level of care and compassion. (Cole-King & Gilbert,

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