What Is Willy Loman's View Of The American Dream

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If one were to ask, “define the ‘American Dream’ ”, not one definition can sum up this traditionalistic belief. Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”, depicts conflicts within the Loman family, while addressing larger affairs regarding American culture, more specifically Willy Loman’s blind view of the American Dream. Miller not only broadcasts the cost of blind belief in the American Dream but places ‘charges’ on America with a false advertisement to its people, that which is constructed around capitalistic views on materialism, which obscure the personal and moral vision of the ‘original’ American Dream described by our country’s founding fathers. Yes, much of the plays popularity in both the theater and in the collection of English literature…show more content…
By giving the audience materials that occurred prior to the present, Miller provides the reader with insight into how things end up the way they do for the Loman Family. Following Miller’s use of expressionism, “Death of a Salesman” depicts imaginary sequences and portrays for the reader the inner workings of Willy Loman’s mind in creating the memories of the past. Willy’s reminiscences and imaginary sequences allow the audience to understand what happened in the past, and why things are how they are. “Because the man who makes an appearance in the business… who create personal interest… gets ahead.” (1193). Miller’s incorporation of this past conversation between Willy and his sons Biff and Happy proves the challenge to the so-called “American Dream” as Willy believes all that are “well-liked” and “attractive” will go far and don't need the hard work. Consequently, his believes turn into a nightmare as his children stay at home and cannot seem to be prosperous in American society; “Biff Loman is lost!...a young man with such personal attractiveness…And such a hard worker.” (1185). Therefore, flashback in “Death of a Salesman” shows s the American Dream as a charade and a false advertisement of the pursuit of…show more content…
Throughout the play, Willy compares sons Biff and Happy to the ancient Greek demi-gods Adonis and Hercules because he believes that they are the zenith of “personal attractiveness” (1185) and carry much power due to their “well liked”-ness; to him, they seem the very definition of the American Dream. This comparison to these mythical figures turns sour as both men end up back in the Loman household, not becoming the men that Willy wish they would become; “Funny Biff y’know? Us sleeping in here again?... All the talk that went across those two beds…Yeah. Lotta dreams and plans.” (1187). In retrospect, neither son ends up having an ideal, godlike life. Although Happy, who dreams to have a prospering job and having a family, believes in the American Dream, it seems as if he will end up no better off than the un-godlike father Willy. Therefore, motif contradicts the advertisement of the American Dream and further proves the false promotion of a prosperous

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