Advantages Of IVR

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INTRODUCTION: IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is the interactive way of automatic technologies through a recorded voice in which the respondent gives the answer by pressing the keys in the available items. The normal advantages of the IVR systems include the confidentiality, economy, autonomy and improving the data quality of the system applications including the monitoring, information services and booking of transportation etc.,. The most important application of IVR system is that conducting the survey for the quality and usability of the products which are launched new to the market through a digital medium. The concept of accessibility and usability is the main focus in the IVR systems which enables the all classes of people to get…show more content…
The speed of the cursor reading depends upon the speed of the user’s finger move on the pad. This system also converted as the one which can be accessed by the keypad method. The navigation keys were used to make the scroll down actions and the command keys such as the previous line, next line were also used to make the talking terminal to read the contents of the document displayed on the computer screen. Audio user Interface for blind users with filter & stereo sound effects: [3EP0528743A] As audio interface becomes the mandatory for the blind people, researchers found many access methods for server to display that acts as the output of the computer programs. Disclosed computer interface provides the interface to operate the graphical user interface with the help of stereo & filter round effects. This method includes the axis from the client window divided into 4 parts, left, right, top & bottom. As if the user moves the pointer to the exclusively from the left side. When the cursor points to the right side, the sound shifts to the right…show more content…
Even the colors of different shapes in the screen can also be found out. When the cursor is in center position then the round will be common on both sides of the speaker. Enhanced disclosure to identify the virtual graphics & icons in the computer As the round effects enables only the position of the cursor & the items on the screen it was not enough for the blind to access the icons & the files from the system screen. Thus the enhanced disclosure tool will locate, the objects at the screen & also help them to operate on those objects. The clicking on the button will causes the voice annotations for the encounter. When the mouse is rolled over the icon, the audio description of the icon is played as the blind can identify what they can do with that icon and the operations on it. Schematic Diagram access by blind people: Technologies helped the blind to access the icons & the folders and do some operations on it. But for the gathering of knowledge of the systems or to understand some flow of system executions &

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