The Lottery By Shirley Jackson Analysis

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Therefore, as undertoned as Warner's saying may seem, it did establish an unconscious and unspoken relationship between the lottery and work. This relationship came to light by his every aspect of his response when it was told that other villages also considered doing away with the lottery. "Pack of crazy fools . . . listening to young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.' First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There's always been a lottery." (Jackson, 1982) Then at the same moment that the lottery's victim is chosen, the author…show more content…
However, the most depressing thing about The Lottery is how easy it is to relate to many different situations amongst the many societies around the world. This shorty story was written in Vermont, USA. Once this paper was published in the New York Times, readers were outraged. Some customers even cancelled their subscription to the paper. The most likely reason is because this story hit too close to home. This story was written at the end of World War II, when everyone was trying to recuperate and move one. There was nothing more the people could ask for than the comfort and tradition to wash away all the horror of the war and the genocide. People tend to turn to what they know or what has worked in the past. Tradition. In many ways, “The Lottery,” was a way to speak to the people of America. It was to warn them that in fact, tradition may not always be the way to go; for it was the reason of the horrid outcome of genocide and war anyway. Many people trust tradition because of its way of functioning over a vast amount of years but forget to look at the opposing
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