Western Expansion Research Paper

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The USA’s Western Expansion consisted of many parts these of which included the Texas Annexation, the “54 Forty or Fight”. the Mexican American War, and the events leading after the war. The Western Expansion was when the U.S started their way West in hope to find new land. Shorty after the Battle of the Alamo, Texas was annexed into the U.S. James Polk said “54 Forty or fight” Polk wanted a “line drawn” on the 54 Forty longitude and latitude line, if the “line” was not drawn there they would fight. Shortly after the Mexican American war had begun. Many events occurred after the Americans won the Mexican American war. The events were the Gold Rush, the Gadsden Purchase, the Treatment of Indians and Mexicans during the Western Expansion, the…show more content…
Sam Houston, James K. Polk, Stephen Austin, and Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana were four of the most important people to the Texas Annexation. Sam Houston was the President of the Texas Republic. James K. Polk was the 11th U.S. president. He also campaigned on an expansionist platform and vowed not to compromise with the British on the dispute over the Oregon Territory's northern border. Stephen Austin established the first Anglo-American colony. He was not only known as Stephen Austin, but he was also greatly known as “the Father of Texas”. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana was just as important to the Texas Annexation as the other three men were. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna led a revolt to overthrow Bustamante. He also was a Mexican politician and military leader, he was President of Mexico eleven times. He also fought on the Spanish side in the Mexican War of Independence, once he realized they would lose therefore he switched sides. During the Texas Annexation the Battle of the Alamo occurred. In this Battle the Texans defended a church, the Alamo, against the Mexican army. This Battle was the key battle in the Texas Annexation. Another event…show more content…
He said 54 forty or fight because he wanted them to split the land 54° 40 minutes or the fight for the land. They did not split the land where Polk originally wanted, instead the border was drawn at the 49° line to Great Britain. They agreed on the new border because the British were confident they could win, but they were vastly outnumbered in Oregon. In June of that year, Britain proposed splitting Oregon at the 49th parallel. Polk agreed to the compromise. Although Polk blustered about obtaining the entire territory from Britain, he was secretly willing to compromise. He agreed to this compromise because there was trouble brewing with Mexico in the south and he wanted to avoid conflict. He knew he would have to do something about Mexico. It was easier for him to let it go and agree so he would have one less problem to worry about. Since trouble was brewing they were sure the new nation could ill afford to fight Mexico in the southwest, and the British in the northwest simultaneously. However, Polk boldly announced to that joint occupation, would end within one year, to Great Britain. The Mexican American War was another very important event during the time of the Western
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