Why Is Grease So Popular In The 1950's?

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The film Grease, directed by Randal Kleiser, is a high-spirited, fun , yet emotional musical about the lives of a group of high school seniors. Through the use of the main characters, Sandy and Danny, as well as their group of friends, you will experience the homecoming dances, the dates, the sleepovers, the pep rallies, and the falling in love. It’s your typical high school experience set in the 1950’s. The actors John Travolta (Danny Zuko), Olivia Newton-John (Sandy Olsson), Stockard Channing (Betty Rizzo), Jeff Conaway (Kenickie Murdoch), and the many others in the film do a great job of pulling you in and making you stuck on the drama that takes place during the film. The fact that it’s a musical makes it even more enjoyable to watch, especially…show more content…
The 70’s was a time of change for America. As a nation we were progressing in many ways. Music was extremely popular during this time, especially genres like rock. A new genre of music formed during this time as well, Disco, and it was sweeping the nation away. Fashion was also changing during this time. Women were wearing more things, such as longer, and shorter skirts, bell bottom pants, and tube tops. Bright pattern and colors were the style. As for men, they were wearing tighter pants, leisure suits, and later on jumpsuits. Like the years prior to the 1970’s, womens struggle for rights were ever present. More women were able to not just have jobs, but they could have careers, and provide for their families. One of the biggest advancements of this era was through technology. Technology was advancing, and ever so popular. People were beginning to sit at their tv’s all night instead of going outside, or reading. The culture of the 1970’s affected the film Grease in many ways. For example, the popularity of music is used to gain Grease attention because it is a musical. Also, John Travolta was a huge influence on the people of this time and was an extremely popular actor. Having him in the film made people more inclined to watch it if they were fans of him. Like mentioned before, technology was growing extremely popular, and since everyone had tv’s and watched movies, the film grew very…show more content…
This is where the main characters, Sandy and Danny, are introduced. Already you can kind of guess the plot line, they’re in love. In the first scene a problem is also introduced right off the back, Sandy is leaving, and their summer fling is over. Now this all changes when school start and Sandy ends up staying in town. Danny's persona also changes during this time. During the summer he was a sweet, loving, boy. Back at school, he turns into the bad boy greaser. They don’t even know they go to the same school yet, but when they find out, I wouldn’t say it’s the perfect reunion. The characters at this point of the film are torn between what their friends think of them and wanting to be together. They’re really apart of different social cliques, until Sandy falls in with the cool girls. The rest of the film, Danny tries to prove his love for Sandy. Meanwhile Sandy undergoes a transformation. She turns into a leather wearing bad girl to win Danny over. Even though there we're many struggles for each teen individually, they all come together as a big group of friends at the end. Thus making Grease the cliche high school

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