Weddings In Elizabethan Times

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“I come to wive it wealthily in Padua, If wealthily then happily in Padua” said Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew, Act 1, scene 2 (Elgin 6). This quote meant that he was looking for a wife that was wealthy such as many Elizabethan men did (Elgin 6). As they are today, weddings in the Elizabethan times were one of the most important days of a woman's life (“Elizabethan Marriages And Weddings”). These marriages came with multiple customs and the wedding ceremonies were planned carefully and beautifully. Regardless of their social status, women and men were expected to marry and create a family of their own (“Elizabethan Wedding Customs”). The only big difference between weddings in the Elizabethan times and today's wedding are the choice…show more content…
These ceremonies were religious, formal and dignified (“Elizabethan Weddings And Marriages”). They took place at a local church in the area where the couple lived and they were conducted by a minister (“Elizabethan Wedding Customs”) No matter the religion a couple followed the legal process prior to the wedding was the same for everyone (“Elizabethan Marriages and Wedding”). At this time, people couldn’t get married in registry offices or from a Justice of the peace (“Elizabethan Weddings And Marriages”). Since the doors of the church were open, anyone could attend the wedding if there was enough space but it was mostly the family and friends of the couple who attended (“More Wedding Customs”). There were no proper wedding invitations sent out although messages were given to family and friends as an informal invitation because most people knew when there was a wedding in small towns (“More Wedding Customs”). Also, the people attending had to stand in the church because there were no pews to sit on at that time (“Elizabethan Marriages And Weddings”). The poorer people would stand at the back of the church (“More Wedding Customs”).The first people to enter was the Bridal Procession which was composed of the bridesmaids, the bride, the groom, and their families (“More Wedding Customs”). The bridesmaids wore similar things to the bride and helped her get ready in her best dress and kirtle or a new dress if she had enough money (“Elizabethan Wedding Customs”). It would cover most of her body and be full length but plunging necklines were allowed (“Elizabethan Wedding Customs”). Under the dress women wore a shift and sometimes a corset (“Elizabethan Wedding Customs”). The neck and cuffs were decorated with silk or linen ruffles (“Elizabethan Wedding Customs”). Very rich brides and grooms would wear materials such as velvet, corduroy and satin (“Elizabethan
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