Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Research Paper

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Although Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein could be seen as a warning against the danger of misusing technology and science, it has instead suffered much censorships. Because her story was published in the nineteenth century, there was horror directed towards the unnaturally-created monster. There is also much questioning on morality, happiness, and the role of man in Shelley’s novel. Because of these aspects, it has been banned many times. Frankenstein, as a science-fiction novel, has to do with the wonders of science. Frankenstein was intrigued by the secrets of the earth and the mysteries of life, this is what lead him to obsessively create a “monster.” Religious folks were the first to speak against Shelley and her book. When Frankenstein first accomplished the creation, he exclaimed that he knew what God felt like. Chapter four is dedicated to describing Frankenstein’s feelings as he assembled his creation. This citation has been the main argument of those that have…show more content…
It is ironic because in the end the story is a warning to not only Walton, who is an explorer with an unquenchable thirst for the secrets of the earth, but also to the world. Frankenstein's story was not to encourage scientists to become gods, it was to teach of the horrors that could occur when you go against nature. Science and technology did not help Frankenstein and this was something that Shelley’s generation overlooked. Another reason that Shelley’s Frankenstein could have been banned is that the book contains horrific scenes of murder, deception, and questions about morality. Angered with his creator, the “monster” kills the youngest of the Frankensteins and this is what most opponents of the book used for an example of violence. Although the monster commits

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