Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five Analysis

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Vonnegut really emphasizes the destruction of war throughout the whole book; it seems to be the central theme. In the first chapter, Vonnegut discusses the process of writing Slaughterhouse-Five, and how he really wanted to inform the readers of the Dresden War. There are many settings in this book, including Dresden, where the bombing would occur and kill thousands of innocent people. We also get to see the main character, Billy Pilgrim change throughout the war from trauma. The promise Vonnegut made to Mary O’Hare was another symbol of destructiveness of war because they discussed how these young kids go off and fight. Vonnegut had a very unique structure when writing Slaughterhouse-Five; he inserted his own experiences and thoughts which influenced the book. When Vonnegut…show more content…
Of course Billy didn’t die from the Dresden war but he did not come back the same. The Tralfamadorains had told Billy as well, that the war had changed him. In chapter 3 Vonnegut says, “Every so often, for no apparent reason, Billy Pilgrim would find himself weeping. Nobody had ever caught Billy doing it. Only the doctor knew. It was an extremely quiet thing Billy did, and not very moist” (Vonnegut, 61). This was a mental illness for Billy, it was something he began doing after the war. Billy crying is a symbol of him slowly breaking down and can be considered a side effect from war. We also see how Billy gets emotional while he hears a song and starts to realize he never knew his son. He says, “Robert, the future Green Beret, was seventeen then. Billy really liked him, but didn’t know him very well. Billy couldn’t help suspecting that there wasn’t much to know about Robert” (Vonnegut, 176). At this point, Billy seems to be going crazy which the war could have caused. Billy is again breaking down, and we see that throughout the book as he travels to the future and seems to have a different

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