Imagery In Slaughterhouse-Five

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A New York Times book review, Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children’s Crusade, written by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt praises Vonnegut for his work in his book SlaughterHouse-Five, which indirectly told of his experiences in World War Two and the bombing of Dresden. The article claims that the story is a “highly imaginative, often funny, nearly psychedelic” piece. While I agree with Lehmann-Haupt that Slaughterhouse-Five is effectively written with the use of imagery, I maintain that what makes Vonnegut’s war novel legendary is the communication, both direct and indirectly, of his anti-war sentiments. At the beginning of the book review, Lehmann-Haupt reminds us of the introduction in which Vonnegut states that his novel is “lousy” and a “failure”…show more content…
In the novel, the author brings the reader to a conversation he had with a war buddy named O’Hare. The narrator asks O’hare to help him remember some of the events that occurred in the war so he can write his book. O’hare’s wife gives him disturbing, evil looks throughout his whole stay at the house and eventually cannot contain her anger any longer. She yells at the narrator that all the men that went to war were young and only “babies.” Moreover, she accuses “Vonnegut” of concealing the truth of war. He was persuaded by his friend’s wife not to create a book that could be “played in the movies by Frank Sinatra and John Wayne or some of those other glamourous, war loving, dirty old men” (Vonnegut 14-18). T.J. Matheson, who wrote the article “This Lousy Little Book”: The Genesis and Development of SlaughterHouse-Five as Revealed in Chapter One,” explores this crucial moment in his analysis of the first chapter. He states that the narrator, after his conversation at O’hare’s house, realizes that there are two paths he can take in the
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