Examples Of Irony In The Possibility Of Evil

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The Irony of Strange Evil The simplest definition of a possibility is the state or fact of being likely or possible. This must mean that there are other ways to go about a situation. In Shirley Jackson’s The Possibility of Evil, Mrs. Strangeworth of Pleasant Street believes that by bringing out the twisted truth to the world in the form of gossip letters, she is keeping the town “clean and sweet” (Jackson 178). She also believes that “people everywhere are lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched” (Jackson 178). Isn’t it ironic how people can so easily believe one thing but the truth is another, and that they think that what they are doing is helping the world when in truth they are the problem? This irony plays a predominant role in The Possibility of Evil in the point of view of the townspeople, Mrs. Strangeworth, and even her roses.…show more content…
Strangeworth, she is seen as the dainty town’s adviser. The townspeople greet Mrs. Strangeworth every time they possibly can. “Mrs. Strangeworth had to stop every minute or so to say good morning … Half a dozen people turned away from the shelves and counter to wave or call out good morning” (Jackson 174). Mrs. Strangeworth’s time is greatly sought after and is highly regarded, and parents wouldn’t dare allow their children to mock her. If ever in need of advice Mrs. Strangeworth’s knowledge is looked to, for her “family has lived there for better than a hundred years” (Jackson 174).This is ironic because the woman who the people most look up to and respect is the same person who disrespects their privacy by writing gossip
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