Veterinary Technician Degrees

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Veterinary Technician Degrees If you've bought your dog or cat to the vet, or if you frequently visit animal shelters, chances are you've met veterinary technicians. These professionals are responsible for providing first aid when injured animals arrive in the facility and give nursing care until they get well. They also conduct immunizations, administer X-rays and other diagnostic tests, assist vets with physical examinations and surgeries, and give tips and advice to pet owners. If you'd like to have this type of job, there are several steps you must take before you can work as a veterinary technician. Here's a guide to help you learn more about this career. Skills and Qualities As a vet tech, you must be an animal lover who's comfortable around any kind of creature. You must also have excellent verbal and social skills so you can effectively communicate with the rest of the veterinary team and give clear, detailed advice that animal owners can easily understand. You likewise must be able to think clearly during emergencies and manage your time wisely so you can tackle all your day-to-day tasks. Ideally, you must be physically strong and have enough stamina since you'll most likely have to lift and restrain big animals and stand for long periods of time. Educational Requirements…show more content…
Both of these are easily available from different universities and will usually take two years to complete. By enrolling in either of these academic programs, you can learn about basic veterinary concepts and have access to hands-on training opportunities. Before you sign up for these programs, though, call the school and ask what their prerequisites are. Some universities look for high school diplomas only, while others require you to have completed college-level coursework on certain science subjects like chemistry and

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