I Want To Be An Artist Essay

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Ever since I can remember people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I always told them,”I want to be an Artist.” Being an artist, to me, did not suggest a specific type or field of art, but it was simply the concept of creating. Confidence in my statement has grown with the years, morphing into a fully formed possibility. Therefore, I began contemplating realistically about the future: what I want to do; what college; what kind of art; art on the side or full time artist. I began listening to my art teachers, to my parents, and to other professional artist comments; consequently, leading to the conclusion that I wanted to be an Illustrator. Nevertheless, a year passed with my mother being hesitant still about my career…show more content…
If I decided to pursue a career in Illustration I could attend any art school (private or other) for four years, a Bachelor’s degree. SCAD or Patt were my top options as an art college; although, SCAD was the college I would have been accepted to and attend. Last year, over the summer, I attended a week long summer program at SCAD, where I took college-level classes with esteemed professors for 12+ hours a day. My experience there was magical. Everyone attending the program had one goal--to create art. Attending an art college, SCAD, would be my dream. Specialised art colleges offer Illustration degrees; whereas, Medical Illustration degrees are obtained through state universities and colleges. Earning a Medical Illustration degree is done through, at first, attending a specific University with a Pre Medical Illustration program or piecing my degree together at any state college. After obtaining my bachelor's degree I have must apply to a graduate program at either Johns Hopkins, Toronto University, or University of Chicago. As of now, I want to attend Iowa State for my Pre Medical Illustration and then move on to any of three previously stated Universities. Consequently, attending SCAD would be just for fun. Unadulterated childish fun--my wildest

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