Vermont Environmental Analysis

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For all of the changes in Vermont, since the 1960's, the creation of the Interstate System interests me the most. Interstate 89 and 91 were built in the 1960's, and that made the State accessible to many new people. The Interstate changed the look and character of Vermont, as it cut through an area that was once farmland. Since then, people from suburban New Jersey, Connecticut, and elsewhere came to Vermont in larger numbers. The skiing industry thrived, partly due to the Interstate. With an increase in new residents, there was also an increase in suburban sprawl in Vermont. Williston is a prime example of this. In just four decades, a portion of Williston changed from farmland to big box stores that you can find in any American suburb. (Hands On The Land, Albers, Jan, page 270) I lived in Williston a few years ago, and next to…show more content…
For example, while farming is still important, Vermont has seen a growth of manufacturing and service industries, as urban areas grew in size and importance. * The Interstate made Vermont accessible to city people, who took great advantage of VT's recreational potential--summer homes and skiing--things that have always been here but which became dominant as highways made people more mobile. * Investors built resorts, and service industries sprang up to meet new demands for food, consumer goods like clothing and appliances, home construction materials, cars etc. Health care expanded--doctors, dentists, nurses, hospital construction and renovation. Just as rural electrification has been crucial to the modern way of life since early in the 20th century, the spread of cell phone and Internet access has brought people together--within the State and with the outside world--as never before.

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