Use Of Satire In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales is a satirical poem written by Geoffrey Chaucer, a great poet from the medieval period. Satire is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. The story line is to bring light to some of the dishonest hypocritical people in his society. On these characters’ religious journey the reader discovers how corrupt and twisted the officials are behind their exclusive titles. Chaucer especially does not like a select few of the characters, because of their greed. Which he makes very well known. A friar Hubert is a member of any of certain religious orders of men, they are called to live in the vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and service to society. They move around, spending time in different houses of the community within their province. In these tales the friar that travels with the group on their expedition does not follow his vows what-so-ever. He prides himself on the…show more content…
A Pardoner’s job is to collect money for the church, but this pardoner sold fake relics such as brass crosses painted gold and filled with rocks to imitate real gold and glass jars filled with pigs bones that he passes off as remains of saints, “He had a latten cross set full of stones, and in a bottle had he some pig's bones.” (Line 701 and 702). He prayed on the naïve and the poor for his business, proving to be one of the most untrustworthy and unholy men on the pilgrimage. No one in the group really trusted him because of his trade, and they did so with perfect reason. It is also questioned whether or not the Pardoner and the Summoner were in a romantic relationship together, “I think he was a gelding or a mare….Was no such pardoner of equal grace.” (Line 693-695). If that were true it would make them both as “religious” men abominations in the eyes of the
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