What Is Chaucer's Use Of Satire In The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, is a story that brings a distinct element of satire. Chaucer highlights much of the corruption in the Church through the Middle Ages. Characters that would be found in a regular society are used convey the problems that the Church faced and the corrupt ideas and ways of living that some people had. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer suggests that there is corruption in the Church with his use of satire to explain how characters gain certain wealth and manipulate others and institutions. The Monk and the Prioress are two characters that Chaucer describes as very well dressed. The fact that the Monk and the Prioress are well dressed suggests that they have the money to live a certain way, unlike how people of the Church are typically supposed to live. Chaucer describes the Monk to be finely dressed when he says, “With fine grey fur, the finest in the land, / And on his hood, to fasten it at his chin / He had a wrought-gold cunningly…show more content…
The Friar is a character who seeks physical pleasure. Chaucer reflects this when he says, “He was a noble pillar to his Order. / Highly beloved and intimate was he / With Country fold within his boundary,” (218-220). Chaucer’s use of the word “intimate” gives us the impression that he is friendly and close with others. However in the few lines before that, Chaucer says that the Friar would “fix up many a marriage, giving each / Of his young women what he could afforded her,” (216-217). By putting these lines together, one can infer that the Friar is intimate with the girls in his community. The Friar is impregnating girls, and then marrying them off before any signs of them being pregnant show. The Friar would give money to the girls to keep them quiet, but only an amount that he could afford. This is yet another area of corruption that Chaucer

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