Chaucer's Treatment Of Women In The Canterbury Tales

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“The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”, like many of the other stories featured in The Canterbury Tales, is a satire of the culture prevalent when Geoffrey Chaucer was writing this story. Chaucer is mocking the fact that so much value rests on the shoulders of men to be strong and yet it leaves them so much more vulnerable when they leave their wits behind them. When Chanticleer, the rooster, has the dream of the fox attack, his wife Partlet mocks him and tells him what women want in a man, saying “we all desire, if possible, to have husbands brave, wise, generous, and trustworthy, not niggardly, not foolish, not afraid of every weapon. (154)” According to Partlet, every woman wants a man who fears nothing, a brave man who does not believe in foolish things. Her statement becomes a problem for Chanticleer when he takes her advice; when he does not consider his dream to be true, he is captured by the fox. He places her value of his strength above his knowledge…show more content…
Although Partlet is not knowingly harming her husband, her disapproval of his beliefs is what gets him into trouble. Women want a strong man, “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” seems to say in this story, but women are foolish and men should always keep their senses about them or else they will meet their downfall. Chaucer is criticizing the people of his time for valuing physical things like wealth and power over honor and kindness. In a way, Partlet is revealing the main point of the story, despite the fact that she is valuing physical power above the internal character traits that will save Chanticleer in the end. She is telling Chanticleer to be wise and trustworthy, and not afraid of the loss that can occur at the hands of outside forces. When Chanticleer takes her advice he is captured and it is only when he uses his mind can he escape the clutches of the

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