Titus Andronicus Essay

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Titus Andronicus is a traditional epic tragedy play by William Shakespeare, which derives many political agendas. It is a play that depicts extreme revenge and abuses people in the name of honor. It is a play that violates people’s ethics and views thrilling hatred to win over Rome. The play begins with the death of the emperor and the dramatic chaos raises the question of who would be the following emperor. The citizens of Rome elects Titus as their emperor, but he refuses the crown and requests to give away the crown to the alder son, Saturninus. For murdering Goth queen Tamora’s sons, she plots a great conspiracy against Titus to avenge her sons’ death. To succeed in her conspiracy, she marries Saturninus and plots to perform a cruel act against Titus’ children, as Shakespeare’s ultimate quote “An Eye for an Eye.” The play ends with Titus and rest of Goth member’s…show more content…
Aaron’s idea to rape Lavinia can harm Titus and Bassianus, who is Saturninus’ brother. Without involving in the action of rape, Aaron’s intension can be viewed as horrific and mean. His wanting of revenge can be seen through Aaron’s intension of abusing a woman for his purpose and leaving her damaged. Raping Bassianus’ lover can indirectly attack Saturninus and showed that Aaron greediness of power can easily be achieved through it. In Aaron’s following monologue creates a metaphor of forest to an evils’ land, where crimes are committed more often. In dreadful revenge, Aaron portrays a character who does not create any limits to his aim and perform a greedy behavior. He uses Lavinia as a meat to avenge his anger towards Titus. In the following monologue, the play’s moment of engagement is viewed. The plot is built in this scene, which raises many conflicts. The theme of greed in the scene is clearly shown through Aaron’s conspiracy and his manipulations to avenge his imprisonment. The theme of lust is also seen through Chiron and Demetrius’

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