Urban Academic Medical Center Case Study

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After interviewing Ashley Currier, The Director of Operations, who worked for the primary care physicians group at an Urban Academic Medical Center (UAMC), it was evident that the organization went through a significant change that required leadership. She applied behaviors and strategies to influence others to obtain certain goals while playing an active role when the company went through with this merger. The leaders of this change initiative believed that combining primary, specialty, and ambulatory services would allow the UAMC to become more systematized, moving the organization in one direction as a whole. By having all aspects of care aligned with each other, patient care would have the opportunity to reach its maximum potential, and the organization itself would become a unified entity rather than operating in three separate ways.…show more content…
By having both a formal and informal leadership role in the company, she became an important asset to carrying out this change. She was encouraged to be an informational source in order to help guide the change managers in the right direction. She was also given the opportunity to be a part of groups that helped lobby baseline information regarding operational standards and performance requirements. Essentially, internal and external consultants tracked the operational procedures, identified opportunities for alignment, and determined plans to carry out the alignment process of the actual merge. Overall the director’s roles can best be described as the navigator and the interpreter of this change. As the navigator, she took part in planning the merger with specific outcomes in mind, however there were other results that were unintentional. She can also be placed as the interpreter since she had a great influence on helping the employees adjust to the new organizational

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