Universal Gas Constant

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Group 8: Martires, Lexine Nicole G. Chem 14.1- FCD4 Experiment 6 Determination of the Molar Volume of A Gas and The Universal Gas Constant Abstract This is the summary of the whole experiment. State an overview of the experiment (i.e, objectives, procedure, relevant results. This part should be contained only in a single paragraph; limit to 200-300 words.) Introduction Experiment 6 aims to determine the Molar Volume of a Gas, which is the volume occupied by 1 mole of gas experimentally from the Ratio of the Volume of Gas Generated to the moles of Gas Produced. The gas in this scenario would be Hydrogen Gas. Aside from this, the experiment also aims to obtain the Universal Gas Constant experimentally using the Ideal Gas equation PV=nRT.…show more content…
The value obtained was initially in mL which was then converted to L in order to be plugged into the equation to find the Universal Gas Constant. The length of the Mg Ribbon was obtained in order to verify that the 3 setups would be similar to each other, keeping the values near to one another. The Mass of the Mg Ribbon was also recorded so that with these values, the moles of the Mg ribbon could be obtained by dividing it with its molar mass of 24.31 grams of Mg per unit Mole. Also, When the Mg ribbon was dissolved in HCL solution, the Magnesium Ribbon dissolved forming Hydrogen Gas and Magnesium Chloride. With this information in hand, the value of the Moles of Mg Ribbon can give the value of the moles of H2 gas using stoichiometry since from the equation Mg(s) + 2 HCL (aq) -> MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g), we see that Magnesium and Hydrogen gas have a one to one ratio so the moles of Magnesium used would be the same as the moles of Hydrogen Gas Produced. The Temperature was also obtained in Kelvin so that it may be used for the ideal gas equation to obtain the Universal Gas constant. This value is also used to compare it to the Standard temperature. The ratio of Volume of Gas generated to the moles of gas produced gives the molar volume of the gas since it is the volume of a gas that occupies one mole in standard temperature and pressure. With this, we can see that there are slight variations to the molar volume of gas from the usual 22.4L since the temperatures aren’t in standard temperature, showing that they are higher from the standard temperature of 273.15 K. Also, the pressure deviated from standard pressure of 101.3 kPa, having actually lower values since the vapor pressure of water had to be subtracted from the atmospheric pressure. The Universal Gas Constant was obtained using the Ideal Gas Equation which is R=PV/nT. The values for Pressure at

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