Types Of Influencers

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Types of Influencers Enlisting the help of influencers to help you with your marketing endeavors is one of the best things you can do to promote your business. However, before brands start searching for ones which can help with their campaigns, knowledge about the entire influencer marketing world will definitely work wonders in making yours a success. Currently, influencers are categorized into three divisions, namely: Professional influencers - these people are essentially experts in their respective fields. They may either be executives, journalists, bloggers, and thought leaders. They mostly have a wide reach as well. Individual influencers - these are regular, everyday people who somehow have a sizeable following (like 300+ social…show more content…
These spring from the above mentioned categories, and are mainly classified into personality types and intentions. One may be a great endorser for your brand, while another may not be your best choice, given his way of connecting with his audiences. So, who and what are they? Here they are, along with the channels they use and the businesses they are likely to work with: The thought leaders Influencers create trust - according to TapInfluence, 75% of people do not trust traditional advertising, while an astounding 84% of people trust recommendations from the people they know and look up to, which may also include the people they follow on social media. With that said, there are social media influencers who happen to be experts on certain subjects and their opinions hold more weight than regular people. Whenever they say or post something, both their followers and non-followers seem to turn their ears (or eyes) towards what they have to say. These people are thought leaders, people who craft informed opinions about certain issues and are usually the persons quoted in articles throughout the Internet. Basically, they are trusted and quoted sources, people with interesting and innovative ideas, and are both excellent thinkers and…show more content…
The trendsetters These influencers are usually the first people who introduce a product or a brand to the world, setting the trends, making their followers listen, and hope on the bandwagon. These types of people are always the first ones to try out a new game, app, social network, or service - they do not want to be left out and are always on the lookout for new things which may become popular in the future. And yes, they are not gun-shy in letting their followers know. These people may be bloggers who always receive pitches from various companies hoping to break through into the market. Great examples include bloggers who line up for days in on electronics stores just to get dibs on a new smartphone model. They are likely to work with brands which are in line with their and their audience’s interests. These influencers may be using their blogs to dish out their reviews, while others may be using social media for their non in-depth insights. People subscribe to them because of the eye-opening things they share, and you might want to work with them considering they could give your brand or product the initial lift you

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