Kaffir Boy Analysis

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Voiceless. This word defines so many of the black people who could not speak out on their own against the authorities in apartheid South Africa. The apartheid was essentially a huge segregation of black and white people, where white people were supreme. Mark Mathabane shows a glimpse of this in his book, Kaffir Boy, written from his perspective: a young black child struggling to prove that he is more than a color. After thoroughly analyzing Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane, it is obvious that Mathabane gives voice to those oppressed through small details that subtly draw the reader's attention towards the cruelty of the apartheid. While small details may seem insignificant, they are actually vital to allow the reader to more clearly picture what occurred.…show more content…
My teachers tell us that Kaffirs can’t read, speak, or write English like white people because they have smaller brains, which are already full of tribal things… That’s why you can’t live or go to school with us, but can only be our servants.’” (pg. 1371). The person speaking here is Clyde, a spoiled white child. The strange thing about this is that Clyde’s mother, Mrs. Smith, is actually quite kind to black people, and attempts to teach him equality. However, Clyde chooses instead to listen to teachers and censorship coming from the apartheid government, as opposed to his mother. Not only that, but the details that Clyde adds about his racist thoughts show that he genuinely believe that black people can only be servants, and do nothing else. This shows the level of ignorance that most white people must have had back then, and emphasizes the fact that black people really must have not had any choices, otherwise the stereotype would have disappeared. Mathabane, however, begins to question the stereotype placed over his kind, and strives to break free from it. “How I cursed Dr. Verwoerd and his law for prescribing how I should feel and think. I started looking toward

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