Toy Story Research Paper

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All people knew the animation cartoon movies because most of them watch it when they were child. All of these movies have a different meanings related with the society and the culture that the movie is representing for. The animation movies first created in 1937 when Disney created Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs movie. The creators are still developing these kinds of movies that related with the development in the society. Most of these movies are creating in America and Japan because of the development technology the creators use. One of the first computer animated movie was Toy story, which the creator made three series of this movie. In Toy Story movie, the meaning of the three series collection were for the dealing of the American children…show more content…
When Andi’s birthday came his friends gave him a new toy called Buzz lighter. From that moment, Woody became the second favorite toy not the first toy as he was. So, Woody became angry and jealousy from Buzz. The movie showed the children how the jealousy of Woody made him and Buzz failed in troubles. Also, in the final the movie showed the people when Woody and Buzz working together they could solved the problems; however of these meanings that the people can understand from the movie, the movie showed the attitude of the American children who ignore the old toys that they have and favor to play with the new toys. Another thing, the movie has a scientific ideas that can develop the creativity of children, such as the lighter in the toy Buzz which make the children thinking about this lighter and what it does. Moreover, the movie showed that the toy Buzz came from the space. So, the children may wonder about the space and what the space related to the earth. Constantly, the children enjoy when the see the series of toy story although the first movie presented before twenty years…show more content…
The movie shoed that the cowboy toy Woody stolen by someone who wanted to use Woody with his other toys in his theatre and sell it. The second series showed the sacrifice of Buzz and other toys of Andy to back Woody to Andy home. In this movie, although the main idea about the second movie was about how the toys working together to save them friend, there are psychological and spiritual meanings that the movie reversible it to the American society for children and adults, such as forgetting the old friends because of the concerns of life. The toy Woody after his friends came and wanted to save him he did not think about them he just thinking about his new life in the museum without thinking about his friends feelings. Also, the movie showed the people the important of having friends in their life because the good friends sacrifice for their friends. In addition, The story urged children to not gravitate behind the subjects without knowing their usefulness as the toy Woody did when he was attracted to the museum idea survival and that he would become famous toy, but if he traveled to Japan he would only remain in the museum and remains in his box only without his friends forever. Moreover, the story reflects the idea of ads on the TV screen and it’s positive and negative to American society. Each part of the Toy Story idea linked to the community and this was the story of the second part, which was the reality

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