What Is Luther's Argument For Salvation

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The early sixteenth century, was an age of growing discontent within Christendom. It was in this age a monk by the name of Martin Luther rose to challenge Western Europe's most powerful institution, calling for Catholic reform. From his deep biblical studies Luther had come to the conclusion that the Catholic Church's requirements for salvation contradictory to the scripture of the Bible. Luther believed that the true path for a Christian to achieve salvation was through one's faith in God, and faith alone. In turn, Luther held that, those faithful to God will receive the gift of salvation. In his pamphlet On the Freedom of a Christian, Luther laid out his argument for salvation. Luther states that salvation, which is a gift from God,…show more content…
As Luther saw it, the rituals and works not only did nothing to contribute for one's atonement, but also failed to prove one's devotion to God. Luther states that “such works produce nothing but hypocrites” for “[works of faith] could be done by any wicked person,” (Luther, 5). Luther cites from Romans 10:9, which says, “If you confess... that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,” and from Rom. 10:4 “that every one who has faith may be justified,” (Luther, 6). Luther argued that works required for atonement in Catholic theology, failed to “justif[y]” one's faith, for works “fall short of the glory of God”, quoted Luther from Rom. 3:23. (Luther, 6) Works cannot “glorify God” according to Luther, because works are “inanimate things” (Luther, 12). Faith however, fulfilled by following the First Commandment, will allow one to achieve…show more content…
To receive this gift, a Christian must believe that Jesus is Lord, and was raised from the dead by God. Luther cites the words of Christ, who said “He who believes... will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” in Mark 16:16 (Luther, 8). It is from this scripture that Luther argues one must have “true faith in Christ” to receive the gift of salvation from God (Luther, 8). Luther also felt that those who failed to follow his path to salvation were failing God. Luther writes “For those who do not recognize the gifts bestowed upon them through Christ,” would cause “Christ [to be]... born in vain,” (Luther, 21). For Luther the Christian who continued “their way with their works and shall never come to taste or feel those things,” and fail to receive their

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