To Kill A Mockingbird Standing Up For Equality

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Luis Tun Mr. Abney English 9CP Per. 3 23 November 2014 A woman gets beaten by her husband since there is no law prevents domestic violence. Many people today do not have the same rights as in the past. Women had to stand up for their rights to become equal as illustrated in many pieces of literature. In Harper Lee’s novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” she is able to portray that standing up for what is right can lead to equality. In Harper Lee’s novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, the author is able to portray the theme that standing up for what is right can lead to equality. In the novel, Lee illustrates the motif of standing up for what is right many times through two main characters, Jem and Scout. For example, in the story during the Tom Robinson case, Scout was told by her older brother, Jem, that he once did a physical research that if a large group of people concentrated on something to happen it will; later on during the trail she starts thinking of that idea, but…show more content…
Robinson is not guilty that it would work, but it did not (Lee 280-281). Scout deliberating that if everyone concentrated into freeing Tom Robinson demonstrates that even though it is troublesome to complete the task of him going free, it illustrates that Scout is learning that it is the right thing to do for equality and she is still standing up for the idea of his freedom. Another example, after losing the court case about Tom Robinson, Jem goes out of the court room and scream that it is not right and Atticus Finch, his father, agrees with what he is saying (Lee 284). Atticus trying to defend Tom Robinson during the trail as his Attorney reflective that he was

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