To Kill A Mockingbird Courage Analysis

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"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."- Eleanor Roosevelt. You are not born with courage, it is something that is created over time. Being courageous is never a lucid decision, it determines the quality of a person's mind as it is faced with difficulty, danger, pain, and a test of bravery. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee develops the theme concerning courage to show the difficulty and the necessity of acting boldly. The characters Atticus, Scout, Arthur Radley and Mrs.Dubose display an act of courage as they are faced with feasible but difficult…show more content…
Thus, Atticus also believes that his children wouldn't have to obey a hypocrite; therefore, they wouldn't have to mind him if he turned into one. As a result, his credibility as a father would be lost if he was a hypocrite, too. Hence, Atticus takes on the responsibility knowing the likelihood he will fail to acquit Robinson. Harper Lee also displays a character Scout, who faces an encounter with a lynch mob in Chapter 15. Scout and Jem witness a lynch mob at the Jailhouse where Tom Robinson was being kept surrounding Atticus. Without a doubt, Scout decided to fearlessly run towards Atticus through the mob taking a wild turn as "I'll send him home,' a burly man said, and grabbed Jem roughly by the collar. He yanked Jem nearly off his feet. Don’t you touch him! I kicked the man swiftly. Barefooted, I was surprised to see him fall back in real pain" (Lee 203-204). In the quote Scout can prove her courage to save her brother in a face of fear. For this reason, in other times when they act before they have even the chance to be afraid is what exactly represented Scout as she kicks the man causing pain. Furthermore, this courageous act was followed by another when Scout unknowingly

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