Three Level Implementation Framework: The Three-Level Implementation Framework

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Three level implementation framework 1. The Inner Corporate Level The foundation of core values of an organization should be based on integrity, accountability and transparency. This would act as a guiding force for strategic decision makers while choosing between alternatives. Choosing between right and wrong alternative is still simple but when it comes to choosing between two right alternatives, for instance, the right to information and the right to privacy, both being fundamental rights, choosing definitely becomes difficult. This is where the concept of CSR, when woven into the operational fabric of a business, makes it easier for the decision makers to determine which ‘right’ needs priority at the given time and location. The law and order situation of a country also depends on its economics. It often has its roots embedded in an unfair distribution of benefits to the local community of both organizational benefits and government schemes. The resultant anger is generally directed…show more content…
This can be ensured by scrutinizing the organizational production and operational flowchart together with analyzing if the responsibilities are being handled diligently and ethically. This would avoid a poor substitute for collective agreements. This would ensure removal of the danger of many stakeholders becoming docile and flexible at the cost of overall profit mongering. As quality would be monitored at every stage, long term viability would be addressed. This would also address the potential danger of companies partnering with pseudo NGOs who suit them and setting aside the real partners for growth behind the façade of CSR. If a firm, while pursuing its activities from sourcing raw materials to supplying products to consumers, integrates CSR at each level, it would enable it to emerge as a responsible company in the business world. The firm can begin by ensuring the following

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