Thomas Edison Hero

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Thomas Edison once said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” Edison is arguably one of the most famous inventors of American history. He had formed the world’s first industrial research laboratory. The life of Thomas Alva Edison can be characterized by his actions, inventions, and what he has started, “a revolution that would refocus technology, change life patterns, and create millions of jobs” (Anderson). Changing the way society perceives and use technology is what makes him a hero. Born in February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio, Edison was the youngest of seven children, one of the four who would live to adulthood (“Edison: The Life of Thomas A. Edison”). Edison was…show more content…
Edison was treated as an unsophisticated poor student in his childhood. His lack of education would have him hire experts to make up for the scientific expertise he needed. Thomas Alva Edison was soon accepted in society through his vast number of inventions and contributions. His name appeared in almost every company that involved him: Edison and Co., The Edison Electric Light Co., the Edison General Electric Co., etc. “He was imaginative and inquisitive, but because much instruction was by rote and he had difficulty hearing, he was bored and was labeled a misfit” (“Thomas Alva Edison (American Inventor).”)Edison was treated fairly well in his adult life although, he felt that the navy was not interested to any of his inventions and suggestions. However, Edison was admired by one person of stature during his time, Henry…show more content…
Edison”). Edison had proved to be an actual hero by saving somebody’s child and was taught railroad telegraphy for his heroic deed. Edison would conduct many experiments to find the solution to his problems and said, “I never quit until I get what I'm after. Negative results are just what I'm after. They are just as valuable to me as positive results” (“Edison: The Life of Thomas A. Edison”). Edison is a hero because, he continued to keep trying even if he got negative results which he said that are “just as valuable to him as positive results.” I believe Edison is a hero, because he never gives up, keeps trying even if it maybe all for naught, and he saved a
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