Things They Carried: Character Analysis

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We are one world, each of us connected by one similarity, we are all Human.Part of being human is developing a sense of self and how we do that is by carrying with us the lessons we learn as we grow. Overtime we discover our own morals, beliefs, and passions which we categorize as our human experience. The human experience is individualized to every person, that's what makes it so unique. We continuously add to our human experience as we pursue through the journey of our lives.The human condition is expressed in the novels Purple Hibiscus, The Things They Carried, and The Life Of untold Americans.The characters in these novels all have one thing in common, a search for identity. As they go through their lives they develop a sense of self.…show more content…
The war was very gruesome and more often than not soldiers were permanently impacted. Soldiers had to carry all their materials on their backs when they traveled through Vietnam, sadly that wasn't the heaviest burden to bare.When Lieutenant Jimmy paused for a break one day one of his men was shot down,”“He felt shame. He hated himself...Lavender was dead, now this was something he would have to carry like a stone in his stomach for the rest of the war” (The Things They Carried pg 16). In the moments that Lavender was shot down, lives were forever impacted. From then on lieutenant Jimmy would have to live with the guilt of his death. Similarly to the impact of Lavender's death, another character Tom O'brien had a similar experience.Tom was fortunate enough to discover love at a young age, her name was Linda, “Both of us were very careful to avoid the awkwardness of eye contact. Which was how we knew about being in love. It was pure knowing. Neither of us, I supposed, would’ve thought to use that word, love, but by the fact of not looking at eachother,…show more content…
The characters in, The Book Of Unknown Americans, Struggle to beat stereotypes and because they were subjected to these stereotypes they have an incredible sense of mortality and self awareness. The main characters in the novel are Immigrants from foreign countries that have moved to America.While they live in America they are the focus of many racist jokes and are disrespected by members in their communities.One character in particular is directly confronted with racial slurs, “Fucking chicken legs” he flung his boots at my chest...I took a deep breath and shut my locker. I was used to this abuse…”How do you say chicken in spanish?” Garrett asked. “pollo,” someone answered. “Major Pollo,”(The Book of Unknown Americans pg 15). Mayor tolerate this abuse every day at school, However this does not affect him negatively rather it makes him a stronger person. Despite the cruelty that Mayor experiences, he still remains a kind person.One of his friends Maribel has suffered from brain damage and ever since everyone has made her feel incapable or less than. However, Mayor treats Maribel how she should be treated, like an individual who can make her own decisions. Maribel acknowledges that,“you're the only one who thinks i can do anything” (The Book Of Unknown Americans 230). Mayor does not Maribel's stereotype define her life he strives to give her everything she deserves. Maribel is often
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