Free Will In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Predicting the future is something that has always fascinated human beings. Whether or not those predictions become true or not, many people strive to make the next big prediction. In the book Of Mice and Men the author, John Steinbeck, makes being able to predict events a central theme. Steinbeck often leaves the reader clues that help aid him/her to anticipate what’s to come. This technique keeps the reader enticed while they read to recognize if their prediction was right or wrong. The clever use of Steinbeck’s foreshadowing is what makes Of Mice and Men an American classic. One of the most considerable events in the book is when Lennie kills Curley’s wife. However, an adept reader will have detected this catastrophic event before it was under way. Not soon after the pair arrived on the farm Curley’s wife makes an appearance to them. Lennie blatantly stares at her and George takes notice. He tells her that she is nothing but trouble and Lennie responds with, “I never meant no harm, George. Honest I never.” This line clearly shows that there will be some mishap between the two. More so, early in the story we find out that Lennie…show more content…
Lennie constantly wants George to remind him of how they are going to own this land and George usually reluctantly agrees. One thing that Lennie doesn’t understand is that the dream of having the land isn’t very likely. When explaining the details of the land George usually stops himself so that he doesn’t get caught up in the unlikely dream as well. Lennie believes in it so much that he starts to tell Crooks, another farm hand. Even Crooks tells Lennie that the dream is crazy; this is exemplified in the line where he says, “You guys just kiddin’ yourself. You’ll talk about it a hell of a lot but you won’t get no land...” This alone shows that it’s very improbable for George and Lennie to eventually own their own piece of
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