The Wounded Knee Massacre Of 1890

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The Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 The Wounded Knee Massacre was a dark time in our nation’s history. This was an attack that would result in the loss of over 350 lives (most of which were women and children). Although, there had already been a number of brutal massacres before 1890, the tension between Native Americans and European settlers kept escalating. Government relations with the Indians were strained and the Native American people continued to live in poverty and be confined to the limits of the reservations. It’s no wonder that there was already unrest in the tribes. At this time, the Native American people were still dealing with many problems. The government continued to take their land and make empty promises. Treaty regulations were not enforced and…show more content…
The Native Americans had been intercepted by the 7th Calvary the day before and taken to Wounded Knee to set up camp. There were approximately 500 soldiers in comparison to the 350 Indians (some of which were women, children, or elderly). The next day, an order was made to all Native Americans to give up any fire arms they had in their possession. A man reportedly started to perform the Ghost Dance (while wearing a ghost dance shirt) which sparked some tension. Also, some people refused to give up their fire arms. The shooting began when shots were fired by Lakota men with concealed weapons. Many Native Americans were shot in the early stages of the fighting, and as some soldiers were firing closely to the Indians, many were shooting from further distances. Some shots were even fired where the women and children were staying. In all the fighting lasted for less than an hour, but the loss of life was great for the Native Americans. It is believed that of the 350 people that had been with the group, there were about 50 survivors. Some of the casualties on the Calvary’s side were caused by some troopers shooting their own

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