Wiesel's Account Of The Wounded Knee Massacre

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Wounded Knee Massacre The Wounded Knee was the massacre with the U.S military troops against the Lakota Sioux Indians. The white soldiers like they called them, surrounded them and killed 300 Sioux men including women and children. 300 innocent death were caused without compassion. The U.S government were convinced that this religion was going to be a threat against the U.S government and population. But not only the Sioux were being killed they were also being torture. Most of the Sioux’s men weren’t armed and didn’t have self-defense. The sad thing to say is that people were guilty of no crime and were not engaged in combat. The Wounded Knee massacre was a horrible genocide where innocent women and children were being killed.It is similar to Wiesel’s account of the Jewish Holocaust in Night because some died instantly, others froze to death in the snow and the soldiers were trying to end a religion. At the same time it is different because it was fewer people killed and they weren’t putting through torture as much as in the Holocaust. In Pine Ridge Reservations in South Dakota by 1890 was when the massacre started. Were men and women didn’t have the opportunity…show more content…
government had continued to seize Lakota lands. They wanted to get rid of them in every single way. They didn’t want them to have any trace whatsoever. Treaty promises to protect reservation lands from invasion by settlers and gold miners were not implemented as agreed. They wanted to take everything away from them. Wooka was the one that founded the religion, The Ghost Dance. “According to Wovoka, the Messiah would raise all the Native American believers above the earth. During this time, the white man would disappear from Native lands, the ancestors would lead them to good hunting grounds, the buffalo herds and all the other animals would return in abundance, and the ghosts of their ancestors would return to Earth — hence the word ghost in "Ghost

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