Harrison Bergeron Research Paper

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Have you ever thought that you could change something, but what you tried to change became your downfall? Harrison Bergeron tried to change the way the government ran the United States of America. He did so because he wanted to relieve others and himself of the handicaps that the government had placed upon them. Out of all of society, he bared the heaviest handicaps of them all. Even after he worked so hard to change the constitution, he was ignored and regarded as a criminal. In the end, the rebellious acts that he had shown towards the government led to his impending demise. Harrison Bergeron had become a victim to the very society he worked so hard to free. Harrison Bergeron has always been able to outgrow any handicaps that the government had placed upon him. Since he has been able to outgrow them faster than the H-G men could create them, it had become a cause for concern for the United States government. Therefore, he was forced to bare the heaviest handicaps of them all. “Harrison's appearance was Halloween and hardware”. He had “looked like a walking junkyard,” with handicaps that weighed in at over 300 pounds. However, this was not enough to stop him. The government was then forced to imprison him. They did so because they had reason to believe he…show more content…
He had known what it was like to be without handicaps because he has always outgrown his. However, he wanted others to feel the same feeling of freedom that he has already felt himself. He believed that the government was the only thing that kept them from that feeling. He wanted to show the rest of society what it was like to be without handicaps. He did so because he hoped that they would fight alongside him for reform in the government. He wanted to reform the constitution, so that others and himself could be relieved of the handicaps that had been placed upon

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