The Veldt Literary Analysis

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Parents and children have a very complex relationship. Hateful and nasty at times, and cheerful and happy at other times (usually when the child is getting what they want). There is always a superior force (most likely the parents) and there is an inferior force, as you can guess from this story, it’s backwards, the children are the superior force and the parents are the inferior force. In normal societies today this just won’t do, the parents are always superior and that’s that, but in the story The Veldt, the children are going to be in control whether the parents like it or not. The main attitude the children have towards their parents is very belligerent, the children talk back, yell, throw tantrums, and say things like “I wish you were dead!”, all of this makes me to believe that the children must really hate their parents. Children today have disagreements with their parents and get…show more content…
I would like to say that I loved the short story The Veldt, not for the reasons you would think though, I actually loved the story for the character development, the attention to detail and the way Ray Bradbury ends the story with a type of mysterious theme of what happened to David McClean. My favorite character in the story was probably Lydia, because she was very assertive with the internal conflicts in her life. I have to say this story left me with chills, because you don’t expect children to want to murder their parents, even if they get on your nerve, that’s just wrong! Lions (and any feline in general) are my favorite type of animal, and I hope that if I ever get the chance to go to Africa I don’t get mauled by a lion. Lions are very majestic creatures and are always a joy to watch on documentaries. I would like to thank Mrs. Hawkins for taking the time to read this story to us, talk about what we read, and to listen to our

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