The Veldt Analysis

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Nowadays, many children admit to yelling, hating, and threatening their parents when technology is taken from them. In return, many parents use technology as leverage to discipline their children. Ray Bradbury, the author of The Veldt, writes of the harm of technology in children’s lives as he depicts two children, Wendy and Peter Hadley who disrespect and hat their parents. The disrespect and hatred for George and Lydia is derived from being spoiled with technology. Foreshadowing, symbolism, and setting, all contribute to a warning that grave consequences come with the overindulgence of technology. The setting of the African veldt in the nursery compares the wild animals to the behavior of both Wendy and Peter. The veldt is virtual but to George “[It] is a little too real,” and the narrator describes the veldt; “The hot straw smell of lion grass, the cool green smell of the hidden water hole, the great rusty…show more content…
The wallet found by George had “drops of saliva on it, it had been chewed and there were blood smears on both sides” (Bradbury 7). The nursery, which is programmed to replicate what the children are thinking of, now has a chewed, bloody wallet that belongs to George. When Lydia pointed out that the kids had “been acting funny ever since [George] forbade [the kids] to take the rocket to New York a few months ago,” it illustrated how the hatred had begun and now it is so transfixed on the parents. Wendy and Peter are used to getting whatever they want and they did not get it. Because of the hatred circling the family, the deaths of George and Lydia were foreseen. When the children get mad at their parents, they can be blinded by hatred. This is what happened in The Veldt. The kids were so attached to technology and the nursery, that the word parent lost its meaning because the kids valued technology over
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