The Titanic: The Voyage Of The Titanic

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The Titanic The RMS Titanic was a luxury steamship sailing from Southampton to France and Ireland then on to New York. The ship could occupy 2,435 passengers and about 900 crew members, which is a total of 3,300 people on board. The ship never made it to its final stop. The Titanic sank on April 15th, 1912. The Titanic’s hull was the largest man-made movable object in the world. Titanic’s 29 huge boilers powered the ship’s two main engines. Titanic was deemed unsinkable because it had 15 watertight bulkheads and a double bottom. The problem with this though was that “the watertight compartment design contained a flaw that was a critical factor in Titanic’s sinking: While the individual bulkheads were indeed watertight, the walls separating the bulkheads extended only a few feet above the waterline, so water could pour from one compartment into another, especially if the ship began to list or pitch forward.” Many people say that the ship was doomed from the start.…show more content…
There were 2,240 on board for the voyage. The ship left Ireland and was sailing to New York. On April 14th, the crew received reports of icy water from other ships but they did not see any, so they were not concerned. There were also reports of icebergs in the area. The Titanic had a small coal fire when it left one of the docks it was previously at. There is a theory that the fire became uncontrollable which forced the crew to “attempt a full speed crossing” . They were apparently moving at such a fast pace that avoiding the iceberg was

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