The Titanic: Inequality Between Different Social Classes

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In my short essay, I would like to look at how the movie the Titanic portrayed inequality between different social classes. I will focus on how social classes were treated differently and how it may have affected their lives. The Titanic was a British passenger liner that hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15th, 1912. In 1997, there was a movie made about the Titanic, outlining what had happened, starting at the maiden voyage all the way to the sinking of the ship. In the movie, it shows many examples of how social class was important back in those times and how it affected people’s lives. There were three different social classes aboard the Titanic; those in first class were high class people who had money, people in second class were middle class people who weren’t rich but also weren’t poor, and those in third class were working class people who didn’t have many things or money. There was approximately 1 315 passengers aboard the Titanic, out of that many people, approximately 813 passengers died when the ship sank. 35% of people died in first class, 57% of people died in second class, and 76% of people died in third class. These statistics show how social inequality affected the people who were in third class much more than the people who were in…show more content…
There was only enough to hold about half of the people aboard the Titanic including passengers and crew members; but only about 30% of the people on the Titanic survived. In the movie, it shows that they were sending the lifeboats out without being full capacity. The wooden lifeboats could hold 65 people in each, but they were sending them out about half full. The first people allowed on the lifeboats were woman and children from first class, then woman and children from second class. This shows that even the children were affected by being in third

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