The Theoretical Basis Of The Social Model Of Disability

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CDT provides the theoretical basis for various policy responses to disability such as inclusion, equality and autonomy. The medical field is quickly progressing and CDT exposes how attitudes and actions are conditioned by the portrayal of impairment and reveals how the objectives and methodologies of empirical research are the result of social processes (Pothier & Devlin, 2006). This theory forms the basis of the social model of disability, which says that structural barriers in society are responsible for the social, political and economic exclusion experienced by people with disabilities. The medical model of disability focuses on reducing or eliminating the impairment of the person while the social model focuses on eliminating systemic barriers (Pothier & Devlin, 2006). Pothier & Devlin (2006) argue…show more content…
Telemedicine has been used to treat mental illness since the late 1950’s (Conn, Gajaria & Madan, 2015). One of the earliest uses of Telepsychiatry was a system established in 1968 by Thomas Dwyer. This system was created to eliminate the drive between Massachusetts General Hospital to a health station 2.7 miles away. Dwyer and his colleagues used a 2-way, interactive television for sessions with adults and children (Dwyer, 1973). Since then, technology has increasingly been used as a way to enhance the mental health care of selected populations. Telepsychiatry has been used to accelerate diagnosis, referral, monitoring and information exchange to reduce costs associated with hard-to-access populations (Hilty, Ferrer, Parish, Johnston, Callahan & Yellowlees, 2013). Individuals who use these services can receive assessment, diagnosis, treatment, consultation, and education about their health condition through videoconferencing equipment (Allen, Cox & Thomas,

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