The Theme Of Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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The mental scales of subjective equality distort our perspective on humanity. These fragile gauges are not only easily tampered, but also easily detected. In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Scout and Jem both experience the turmoil of inequalities. While in Maycomb, their home town, they encounter many types of discriminations. Because of that, it caused the children to have that same attitude themselves toward their town. This simple fact can be seen in the many parts of the book. The most prominent ones which the two children Scout and Jem experience inequalities are in Tom Robinson’s case, toward Mr. Raymond, and the Ewells. Firstly, during the Tom Robinson case, he was accused of beating and raping a girl. However, the overwhelming evidence proved that her father beat her. This case would have been a cut and dry case, yet Tom Robinson was black and the men on the jury hated the race. Due to that inequality among races, Tom Robinson’s jury gave the verdict as guilty despite the massive amounts of evidence which proved otherwise. Before the conviction, Aticus made a compelling speech in which he told the jury, “…you men would go along with the assumption…all Negros lie, all Negros are …immoral…show more content…
Due to their predicament, the town of Maycomb showed their prejudicial feelings against their family. In this story, one of the Ewell children went to school and experienced the stigmatization even before he had done anything wrong. While in school, Scout helped her teacher know all the children and their backgrounds. The Ewell’s were well known for their father’s attitude. “He’s one of the Ewells ma’am… and their paw’s right contentious.”(27) Because of his father’s insolence toward society he became associated and judged with him despite the fact that he was innocent of doing anything of the sort. The judgment of a son for his father’s actions demonstrates the inequalities in
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