How Does Harper Lee Use Judgment In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Utilizing Judgement Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is an inspirational stimulating novel that takes place in Maycomb Alabama in the 1930’s. The main narration of the book comes from the character Scout. Throughout the book Scout talks about different situations that has happened in her past and the reader also gets to see situations through young Scout’s eyes. Scout and other characters in the novel learn many lessons throughout the novel. There are many themes that the author develops throughout the story. Some of these themes include justice, inequality and knowledge. Harper Lee illustrates Judgement in To Kill a Mockingbird through the use of Aunt Alexandra’s comment about Atticus regarding Tom Robinson, the use of Jem’s remarks…show more content…
Alexandra is Atticus sister that Atticus brings to Maycomb to move in with him and his kids. He brings her to live with them so she could teach Scout how to be a lady. One day a group of men and the sheriff, Heck Tate, came to the Finch’s house to discuss with Atticus about his client Tom Robinson being moved to the county jail. As they continue talking Mr. Link Deas mentions to Atticus that he could lose everything for just defending Tom. Later on that evening when Scout returned home after walking her neighbor Dill home, she heard Atticus conversing with Aunt Alexandra. When she sought Jem and asked him was Atticus and Aunt Alexandra arguing he said sort of. Rogers 2 Jem told Scout, “ She won’t let him alone about Tom Robinson. She almost said Atticus was disgracin’ the family (Lee, 197). This comment that Aunt Alexandra almost said to Atticus showed very harsh judgement. Aunt Alexandra was judging her own brother because of his willingness to defend a negro man. Aunt Alexandra thinks that her family is above the average people in Maycomb and they should not be verbalizing with anyone below

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