Examples Of Social Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Typically, in situations involving social issues, children are affected the most. This is shown in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The story takes place In Maycomb County, an imaginary town in southern Alabama. Scout, Jem, and Dill lose innocence and grow up quickly by witnessing social inequality and racism, through this, Scout, Jem, and Dill gain courage. Social inequality in Maycomb causes Scout, Jem, and Dill to grow up in a cast system where their fate is determined for them. An example of social inequality in To Kill A Mockingbird would be the Cunninghams financial situation. Specifically, when Walter Cunningham shows up to school without a lunch and Scout has to explain to the teacher that the Cunninghams are poor. The Cunninghams were farmers who had lost their crops and profits due of a drought. Another example of social inequality in the novel would be when Atticus Finch said, “ A white man’s word, against a black man’s word,the white man always wins.” (242) to Jem in order to teach him what race can do to people. This quote shows that Atticus has given up hope for future generations to end…show more content…
For instance, when the children sat in the upper section of the courthouse to defend the black people they were instantly criticized. The reason that Scout and Jem made this courageous decision was because they had to sit with Calpurnia. This act showed Scout and Jem how the blacks were treated in comparison to the whites within the legal system. This completely alters their perspective on race and inequality. Another example of racism in the novel would be when the jury believes the white woman over Tom Robinson because of his skin color. Tom’s trial impacts the children in ways one can only imagine and forces them to grow up quickly. The harsh language throughout the book also impacts the kids and causes them to lose their
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