The Stone Breakers

2018 Words9 Pages
A Review of the new documentary – The Stone Breakers Script: (to be read by two entertainment anchors, with an interview of one of main characters, a young boy, J. Everyman) Ryan: Hello Guiliana. Today on Entertainment Tonight’s review, I’d like to talk about The Stone Breakers, a new piece documenting the proletariat life of peasants and farmers, created in 1850 by Gustave Courbet, which opens this weekend to mixed critical reviews at the Paris Salon. It is one of the first times “real life” is celebrated for its “imperfect beauty and honesty” and people are in an uproar. Guiliana: Yes, Ryan, I’ve heard that while audiences are giving it a 99% score for accuracy - depicting the reality of the dull, drab and back breaking work of most of the lower class people of the time effected by the Industrial Revolution are experiencing, critics on our meter are only…show more content…
It is very real but it has a lot of hidden meeting. Until now we looked at art as something beautiful. This piece is not what one would call beautiful, yet in its depiction of an honest moment of life, of the times, it holds a certain beauty and promise for those who live in this condition. Their hard work is being celebrated, appreciated or at the very least chronicled in a piece of art. Perhaps that is why it gets such high audience ratings. This piece is real – and may be too real for many people. In fact, its creator, Courbet is credited with being one of the founders of the Realist Movement. His style helps emphasize his political message because Courbet chooses to break away from the common artistic style of the day. And furthermore, Stone Breakers was painted on a 5’ 8’ canvas, which was typically used for portraits of royalty or scenes of historical significance. By painting peasants and laborers on such a huge scale, he is giving them equal billing with royalty and important moments in history. Courbet seems to believe the lower class is worthy of
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